
The Motor City Stamp & Cover Club

Invites You to Join Our Club...

WHEN? ..............  Any time!

HOW? ...........Call us ... E-mail us ......Come to a Meeting

Before one joins a club, many like to know if any members collect the same things they do. We like to know what others collect as the more we are aware of, the more help we may be able to provide you in locating items you need .We try to keep this list updated on a regular basis.


New Members: Adults……..$  7.00 Junior…….. 4.00 (under 16)

Renewals: Adults…….. $6.00 Junior……. $3.00

Three-year renewals Adults……. $15.00 Juniors…… $6.00

  • Life Membership Awarded after 25 years membership
  • No More dues.         Special ID card issued.

Many of the topics listed below are collected w/stamps; on cachet covers and for the cancels. We surveyed our membership in Feb 2007 and this is what they reported:

MCSCC stamp and cover
MCSCC stamp and cover


Australia,British Colonies,Canada,Canal Zone,China,Christmas Islands,Danish West Indies,France,Germany,Great Britain,Greece,Greenland,Hawaii,Hungary,,Italy,Japan,Korea,Lichtenstein,Newfoundland, Norway,Papua New Guinea,Poland ,Russia, Scandinavia, Switzerland, United Nations, USA (all/pre-1940's/CSA) and worldwide.

Pony Express, Rattlesnake Island, Rockwell (Norman), Roses, Ships, Space, Sports (many types), Submarines, Tanks, Teddy Bears, Tin Can Mail, Trains, Women, W.W.II, Viking & Zeppelins.



Aircraft, Autos, Baseball, Bats, Art (General & Nudes),Butterflies, Churchill, Civil War, Christmas, Dinosaurs, Disney, Dogs, Ducks,

snowflake_stamps maritime_lighthouse_stamps

Great Lakes related, Insects, Lighthouses, Masonic, Military, Music, Olympics, Orchids, Owls, Parachutes,

Embroidered, Fairy Tales, Fish ( Lures and Fly), Gems, Mermaids, Minerals,

MCSCC stamp and cover

Penguins, Polar bears

MCSCC stamp and cover


Christmas Seals, Navals, Akron-Macon, W.W.II Patriotic, Hotel CC's,


Metered Mail, Michigan Postal History, Postal Stationary, Highway P.O.'s, Air Mail, APO's, Cinderella’s, Philatelic Show covers, Canadian Squared Circle cancels,

MCSCC stamp and cover

First Days, Perfins, Pre-Cancels, Mr. Zip , PNC's,

Detroit River Boat

P/Blk4, Slogan Cancels, Pictorial Cancels,  Doanes, Machins, Black History,

Detroit River Mailboat and over 35 different types of special event covers.

MCSCC stamp and cover
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